On Mon, 2005-10-17 at 10:28 -0400, James Carman wrote:
> Of course, I meant the only *required* dependency that Commons Proxy has is
> the JDK itself.

great :)

i think that the proposal could be improved. it's usually used as the
basis of the introduction paragraph for the component. a good proposal
is a powerful weapon against featuritus and scope drift. so, it's
important for the long term health of a project. 

"The package shall create and maintain a suite of utility classes for
creating proxy objects" seems just a little short. it seems to me that
proxy is more like a minimal core of bridging API's for constructing
proxy's (with minimal dependencies) supported by a number of optional

i would also like to reiterate stephen's warning: if you use interfaces,
be very sure that you are not going to need to change them in any
fashion. i would very strongly suggest implementing the key
ProxyFactory logical interface as an abstract class. this isn't bias (i
love interfaces when coding applications) but a hard lesson painfully

a few minor points:

IMHO it'd be a good idea to note in the comment on the maven dependency
page which dependencies are required for what code (preferably with an
OPTIONAL at the start of the comment). a lot of users really complain
(with good reason) about libraries with lots of core dependencies. the
downside of maven (1) builds is that the list of dependencies can prove

the maven mailing list page doesn't seem to have any information.

you have some javadoc warnings and checkstyle violations.

the distribution build doesn't load the notice and license into the jar
MANEFEST. please read
http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/releases/prepare.html for more

commons-proxy.imi, commons-proxy.ipr and lo4j.properties files need a
license boilerplate.

navigation.xml lists the project as beanutils

status.html still says 'collections' in a number of places. the list of 
required runtime dependencies is probably now outdated.

ProxyUtils may well encounter classloading difficulties in some
containers. it is possible that the context classloader may be null or
inaccessible. i'm not convinced that the instantiateProxyFactory code
will cope gracefully under all circumstances.
http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/logging/tech.html may prove useful.

on a slightly more serious note, the proposal says:

"The initial codebase will be contributed by James Carman based on code
in the Syringe (http://syringe.dev.java.net) project and can be
distributed under the Apache license."

has the incubator checked the paperwork for this?

some nice to haves: 

basic package level document. a lot of components include a basic
introduction in the package level java docs. the information already
contained in status and proposal document would make a good start.

since there are a lot of optional dependencies, it would be a very good
idea to indicate in the javadocs which classes require which optional
dependencies. for some packages, the package level documentation could
be used for this.

- robert

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