I'm wondering if anyone can recommend a good set of Java classes for 
representing Graph abstract data types.  Specifically, I'm dealing with a 
homegrown representation of a directed acyclic digraph (DAG) and find it very 
lacking.  I've read a little about jakarta commons graph and graph2 and assume 
they're no longer active projects (and they're not in the sandbox).

After Googling around, I've found the following projects:

* Looks great, seems mature.  I don't need to solve the graph visualization 
problem which this toolkit seems to do well, and it feels like a sledgehammer 
for my basic needs.
* GPL license, open source.

* Looks like a great start, in alpha release.  Zero email on the lists though 
which worries me.
* BSD license, open source.
* Source uses Java 1.5 generics, I'm not there yet.

Graph data structures are such a common problem solving tool in engineering 
that I'm sure I've missed other good projects.  I'm hoping to cut down my 
time by asking for your experiences with other toolkits I may be ignorant about.

Any suggestions are appreciated.


Hernan Silberman

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