On Mon, 2005-11-14 at 19:34 -0500, Sandy McArthur wrote:
> On 11/14/05, robert burrell donkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > i had intended to sit down and analyse the code in detail. however, i
> > have given it a quick once over and it looks very interesting. i'm happy
> > with the general direction of the code. i work best when i can create
> > patches for small issues as i go. this is difficult when the code isn't
> > in a code repository, so i think it's best to try to get the paperwork
> > started as quickly as possible (since it may take a while to get
> > everything sorted out).
> I'm working with the trunk checkout of pool and made the tarball such
> that if you just extract it in the src/ dir it will expand next to the
> existing sources and you can use the existing ant build file like you
> normally would.
> See the package overview page for a decent description of how the
> composite object pool works:
> http://sandy.mcarthur.org/pool/Pool-Private/org/mcarthur/sandy/commons/pool/composite/package-summary.html#package_description

sorry i caused any misunderstanding: i did take a look at the code and
was impressed. all seems good. i think that any issues can easily be
resolved (such as javadocs) during the import to ASF SVN. so, since
getting the paperwork together can take a while, i wanted to start on
that ASAP.

> > i'm sure you're aware of all these issues but it's important to the ASF
> > that our code base is clean legally. so, before we can accept such any
> > substantial contribution we need some legal paperwork from you.
> Fully understood.
> > unfortunately, the ASF is still growing the process (through the
> > incubator project) so i need to find out (and then document) what's
> > required (in specific terms). this may take me a few days.
> What is missing from this?:
> http://www.apache.org/dev/new-committers-guide.html

all new code now needs to go through the incubator. the ASF prefers to
grow procedures and so stuff doesn't tend to get decided until it's
needed. the incubator has now handled successfully quite a number of
podlings (full projects) but (for various reasons) this grant is one of
the first few to go through the incubator. so the procedures may need to
be developed.

the good news is that most of the process seems to be in place (see
http://incubator.apache.org/faq.html and
http://incubator.apache.org/guides/pmc.html): just a few details remain

> > in general terms, the code base needs to be clean and original with a
> > known provenance. we also need you to either fax or post some signed
> > legal documents to the ASF. are either of these requirements likely to
> > be an issue?
> Nope. I signed and mailed in an Individual Contributor License
> Agreement as described on: http://www.apache.org/licenses/#clas and
> put it in the mail on November 9th.

excellent :)

i'll try to keep an eye on this. i'm not sure where you're based but
there have been problems reported in the past involving documents from
overseas getting lost in the post. 

you need to determine whether you also need to sign a CCLA (Corporate
Contributor License Agreement). this depends on your employment status
and where you live (for example, US employees really need to sign one).
if you want to talking about this off list, mail me direct.

a software grant will also be required. please read
http://www.apache.org/licenses/ then
http://www.apache.org/licenses/software-grant.txt. googling within the
apache.org domain will also produce useful information. a specific,
concrete version of the software is required as exhibit A. i need to
check that i understand the right way to fill this in and report back.

- robert

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