On Sun, 2005-11-13 at 16:38 +0000, Stephen Colebourne wrote:
> >>i would recommend keeping the bugzilla open but adding a comment
> >>requesting that users ensure that the code is synchronized properly and
> >>that they list the full environment (JVM and platform) plus information
> >>about the keys they are using (and ideally a soak tests we can run).
> >>that may give us enough information to track down where the problem
> >>lies.
> > 
> > 
> > +1, plus include additional debugging code in release.
> I have checked in my extra-info on error 'debug' version into SVN. As we 
> can't reproduce, I agree that we have to move towards a release as is.

i've been running the SOAK tests for over 7 days now without a problem.
if there is a bug in the collections code (as opposed to problems with
synchronization) then i don't think that it'll be discovered by those
tests. i can't see any reason for the code to fail when correctly
synchronized. so, i think it'd be best release as is and hope that (if
the problem exists) someone will donate some production code we can

what is becoming clear to me is that a number of users have been
confused by the need to synchronize the maps. i've added some
clarifications to the javadocs for LRUMap. 

would it be a good idea (for me) to add explicit notes about the need to
synchronize maps to other javadocs? and to the user guide?
BTW i get problems with jdiff (no CVSROOT) when i try maven
site:generate any tips?

- robert 

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