Phil Steitz wrote:
In the "old days" we kept lf line endings on all the source files in
cvs and hand-rolled ant scripts were used to put crlf on the .txt
files in the zips.  Between maven and svn's eol=native, that is no
longer possible or at least immediate.  The real question (see other
response) is do we care about this?  From lack of response to [poll]
thread, could be the answer is no.
+1 it think we shouldnt care too much about the eol thing too, never ever one of my [vfs] users complained about them nor I've seen such an issue on the mailing list. Though, having a standard in commons would look professional and thus we should find consens, even if we say we use lf ;-) only

These are really demotivating things!
greed and sorry if we seem to be making things harder rather than
Yes, things are hard, but in the end I like it that way as I hope (and think) this really increase the quality. Its just seems the current "throughput time" in commons (regarding releases or communication) is a little bit hughe.

The current [all] threads are an exeption. And I wonder if this has something to do with who started them. Henri is a well known and respected person. But even if someone else try to kick off a [all] discussion it would be great if there are at least negative responses if there is disapprove. In concret I talk about the crlf [poll]. If you think its not necessary then give me 10 -1 and all is well ;-)

I remember a couple of years back when we discussed whose votes
were binding on component releases.  Hen made the interesting comment
that he felt that committers not working on the component should vote
and their votes were as important / even more important than those of
the project team.  We have now devolved to the point where without
these votes, we will in some cases not be able to get 3 binding +1's. This is not good.
This is true, even more with [VFS].
But the alternative is to leave apache. Every project with less than 3 active committers for a specific period should be treated as dormant or at least as "unable to move" in the context of jakarta/commons.
I really dont like this idea!!!

It might be a good idea for each of us to
take stock of the components that we can really +1 releases for
This is a good idea. And it should be somehow binding. Even if it take a week until one find time to check a release, we should attend our duty. On the other hand then other commons projects might loose important persons. e.g. Simon and Stephen made good work when they checked the VFS release. I cant talk in their names, but they cant "subscribe" to every commons project if its that binding - they have other OS projects too.

The same for me, I can support [vfs], [net], [compress] in the context of such a binding, which doesnt mean I cant support other too if there is time, but this cant be planned.

So all in all it isnt that bad as it currently is, maybe we are just too busy with other work. And we should take concerns from "developer-newbies" seriously too ;-)


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