Phil Steitz wrote:
Thanks, Martin. I stand corrected then and will shut up about this. To close this out, I guess we are agreeing that we have no standard
for line endings and will make no attempt to make them consistent.  I
did not know the Windows cvs client was also converting the files, so
thought this was a "new" problem introduced by svn.  Sorry for the

I was the one who initially raised this issue. The reason I raised it is that most _users_ run Windows. And the default text editor on Windows is Notepad which doesn't handle LF. Basically if I download a release and oopen the release notes, or project xml then I want CRLF, otherwise I have to close the file, find wordpad and reopen it.

Now I understand the argument that our users are developers and shoud know how to change file associations, and so on. But we here are probably at the higher end of Java/programming knowledge. I want us to cater for users who are more Junior. Also, Notepad is very quick to start and open a small file, which is why some of use (ie. me) choose to leave the txt to notepad association.

This discussion however, seems to have yielded no real solution to this. I suspect that what is actually happening is that more commons release managers now use Unix than previously, thus the problem is more apparant.

Currently, I setup a custom ant script for each project I release, and never use maven for building. That way I can fix crlf for the root level text files in the zip and lf for the tar.

However, as this discussion didn't reach agreement, I shall have to keep quiet on this subject in future release votes.


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