On Thu, 2005-12-15 at 09:48 -0700, Ryan Heaton wrote:
> I'm adjusting the thread subject to reflect the fact that there is a vote 
> going on for two things:
> 1. Acceptance of the new APT tag library (described below)
> 2. Acceptance of me as a committer to support the new apt tag library, if it 
> gets accepted.
> So far, I have recorded three people voting positive for both proposals:
> Dion Gillard
> Hans Gilde
> Paul Libbrecht

hi ryan

(sorry to have to start being a little legalistic...)

i know that this can be a little confusing but there are votes and

both of these need to be official ASF votes. these need more formality
that just vague +1's against your proposal. the subject should be [VOTE]
(jelly isn't necessary since VOTEs are commons-wide and may result in
some filters not recognising your post as a vote thread). 

we're really only getting up to speed with the new processes for
accepting code which is not original so you might need a little
patience. so, apologies in advance...

i'm not sure there's any consensus about the best way to approach
software grants but i'd expect to understand the provinence of the
donated code before i'd be willing to +1. i'd also expect a jelly
committer to start the VOTE thread.

it's not really possible to have conditional approval for a committer
and it's poor netiquette to nominate yourself as a committer. 

- robert

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