Phil Steitz wrote:
On 12/18/05, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


The plugin should solve this, along with scripts etc. Basically we
need to keep a focus on developer simplicity. The lower the barrier to
entry/momentum, the easier it'll be for us to develop.

in the past, we haven't been very effective (as we might) at feeding
through these emerging best practises to maven. it's pretty much been
+1. We need to start yelling at maven to fix/add them and dealing with
the lower quality in the meantime instead of hacking them ourselves.
Increasingly this'll mean being on maven2, so we should be trying to
get there soon.

I would not use the term "yelling" since my experience has been that
the maven community is pretty responsive.

That is my experience as well. I'm sure that patches from the commons community regarding best practices would be most welcome by the maven community. With a little help from Brett, I'm sure that this will work smoothly.

only phil. i'm going to try to be more active (and hope others will do
the same). however, it is clear that one problem we have is that the
feedback cycle is too inefficient: we can't afford to wait a month or
two for new plugin releases and we're finding it hard to ensure everyone
has the required versions. perhaps managing our plugin would made this
Perhaps, though I think we can afford to wait a month or two. Years
maybe not, but it's not the end of the world if we knowlingly
distribute a few more jars without the Vendor-Distribution-Id for
example (or whatever that property name was).

See other response.  We need to think through the options carefully:

1) patch maven 1 site, jar, dist plugins to do everything we need
2) patch above plugins to do most of what we need and tie together
with a pair of lightweight commons plugins (say commons-site and
3) = 2) - 1)
4) = 1) recast in maven 2 setup (different base plugin structure)
5) = 3) recast in maven 2

I agree with Hen that time delay getting maven plugin releases cranked
should not be a big consideration.  As I said above, the maven team is
pretty responsive.  What I think *is* a big consideration is the size
and complexity of the plugin code that we will be taking on. I think
we definitiely need something, but we need to KISS.  The custom site
jsl and nav stuff in commons-build is already a pain to maintain and
lets face it, we would all rather spend our hacking time on the "real
code" in the components.


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Dennis Lundberg

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