I'm interested in the SCXML codebase, but before I could vote +1 for promotion, 
I'm generally
thinking that the following issues need to be discussed.  I apologize if this 
is blocking RDC.

1. SCXMLSerializer 

Right now the code to serialize an SCXML object is a Visitor pattern that 
constructs XML using a
series of StringBuffers.  The code to read this XML document alrady uses a 
straightforward set of
Digester rules and the project already depends on commons-digester.

*Alternative: Add a dependency to commons-betwixt, map the model package to 
XML.  Instead of
writing Digester rules for reading and constructing Strings for writing, use 
the betwixt mapping
files as a single point of translation.

The current SCXMLDigester isn't trivial by any means, but I think it would be 
easy to implement
the external source rule.  The current SCXMLDigester plays two roles, first it 
sets up the
Digester rules and "Digests" the XML, but it also does a bit of post-processing 
in updateSCXML.  I
think the component would be well served to separate everything that has to do 
with serialization
to/from XML into a separate package and to move some of this postProcess that 
happens in
updateSCXML somewhere else.

2. Decouple Execution Context from the SCXML Model

Right now, the Context passed into the class that parses the XML and creates 
the SCXML object is
the global execution context.  You pass in a JexlContext when you are parsing 
the SCXML model, it
is assigned to all of the State objects.

So, bear with me, assume I have a SCXML document that represents the valid 
states of a stopwatch
(ready, running, paused, stopped).  The SCXML models the watch in a way similar 
to the microwave
sample in the Working Draft, it uses a reference to a "timer" variable.  To do 
this with the
current implementation of SCXML, I would need to do the following twice 
(assuming a JexlContext):

  a. Create a JexlContext
  b. Populate the JexlContext with the appropriate variables
  c. Call SCXMLDigester passing in the JexlEvaluator and the JexlContext I want 
to execute this
state machine with
  d. Create an instance of SCXMLExecutor, pass it the SCXML from step c.

For each watch I need to model in this application, the implementation forces 
me to parse that
SCXML document with Digester every time I want to model a separate StopWatch.  
In the application
I'm interested in using this in, hundreds of documents in a content management 
system are going to
be modeled as individual state machines, I would hate to have to parse an SCXML 
file for each
individual document.

* Alternative: Provide a mechanism that allows you to clone an SCXML  instance 
so that you can
create a separate SCXMLExecutor that can model the same statemachine with an 
isolated Context.

* Better Alternative: States do not "have" a context.  Take the context 
property off of the State
and change executeActionList in SCXMLSemanticsImpl to get the Context from the 
Likewise, Transitions do not have a "notificationRegistry", take that property 
off of a transition
and just have the SCXMLSemanticsImpl get the notificationRegistry from the 

I don't think this is a terribly difficult idea, and decoupling the description 
of the FSM from
the execution state, would also make it much easier to persist either one.  

3. Is SCXML appropriate for Commons? 

Commons SCXML might not be appropriate for Jakarta Commons.  See the recent 
discussion on general@
about componentizing different parts of Jakarta.  I'm not going to fight this 
one because I think
we're in a time of transition, but commons-scxml might ultimately benefit from 
producing a number
of separate artifacts.  scxml, scxml-faces, scxml-shale, etc.

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