On Sun, 2006-02-19 at 14:30 +0000, robert burrell donkin wrote:
> On Sun, 2006-02-19 at 12:35 +1100, Torsten Curdt wrote:
> > <snip/>
> > 
> > Sounds all excellent ...but IMO that's exactly what JCL2 should
> > target on. I say: let's get started with the 2.x version. 
> there's nothing really holding up 2.0 now (from a technical
> perspective). i'll take a release branch from the RC5 tag.
> > I would not try to push that into the 1.x version. It's a pretty big change
> this new component would not require any changes to the 1.x version:
> it'd just be a more fully functional version of the NULL implementation
> you proposed earlier.
> my plan would be just to create a separate component that is fully
> compatible with the JCL 1.1 API and binary (but not semantically)
> compatible with the SPI. JCL 1.1 is likely to be around for quite a
> while so i'd like to have solutions available for those who are stuck
> with JCL 1.1. 

I hope that JCL 2.x will be API and binary compatible with the existing
user API. I don't think there is anything particularly wrong with the
following methods and would like to keep them for JCL 2.0:

   Log.error(String) etc
   Log.isErrorEnabled() etc

And as long as we keep these, all normal uses of JCL 1.x will be
compatible with the 2.0 release.

However that's a debate for the JCL2 email thread (see below).

> > ...and frankly speaking - it will also help marketing wise. JCL1
> > has a bit of a bad reputation. JCL2 could help to leave this behind.
> it would be good to get JCL2 up and running ASAP but i'm not sure i have
> the energy to push it through (for the next few months, at least). i've
> dropped quite a lot of other stuff for JCL which really can't be left
> much longer. so, other people need to step up.

Understood. Thanks for interrupting your other stuff to push JCL along!

> anyone care to start a new JCL2.0 design thread?

Ok, I'll do that.



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