On 2/20/06, Simon Kitching <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Standalone applications, applets, embedded systems would use a
> lib-specific jar eg commons-logging-log4j.jar. No irrelevant TCCL stuff,
> no dynamic discovery stuff, only one logging adapter.
> Webapps that want to use a specific logging lib would bundle a
> lib-specific jar (of course that only works when child-first
> classloading is selected or the container doesn't provide JCL). [1]
> Containers would generally bundle commons-logging-dynamic.jar, and would
> end up with exactly the same functionality that exists now. They *could*
> (as you mention) use a lib-specific implementation if they are happy to
> have every webapp use one logging lib but commons-logging-dynamic would
> be the usual choice.

That's good. I think the ability to prevent webapps from using the
logging they want could be a good feature too.

> As a result, this wouldn't reduce any of the existing complexity for
> JCL-in-containers (except that we can discard code that tries to handle
> embedded systems & java1.1, as those systems can use the lib-specific
> ones). However I hope we've nailed many of the outstanding
> container-based issues in the 1.1 release anyway, which
> LogFactoryDynamic will effectively inherit. This *will* resolve issues
> in non-container environments as those can use the simpler jars.
> [1] Hmm..one thing we've discovered is that it's a bad idea to have two
> jars in the classpath providing the Log interface. JCL1.1 provides a
> "commons-logging-adapters.jar" for webapps to use when the container
> provides commons-logging.jar. But the proposed jars I've shown here
> include Log so aren't safe to use from a webapp when any other jcl jar
> is in a shared path. More thought needed :-(

Yes, usually, there are problems with multiple Log definitions.

> > - Please continue providing support for using the TCCL (as the TCCL -
> > or similar - is used in most JNDI impls, doing otherwise is a bit
> > redudant as far as I am concerned, and JNDI access is most likely
> > slower).
> I'd be very interested in your opinion about the safety/stability of
> TCCL-based solutions. I was looking at Sun's java bugtracker recently
> and found an issue raised by JBoss stating that they wanted some
> classloader synchronisation code changed as Marc Fleury has been
> experimenting with "dependency-based classloaders that aren't tree
> structured". From the comments it seems like a few other people are
> experimenting with similar approaches. So is it still going to be safe
> in the long run to assume every webapp has a distinct TCCL, and that it
> is possible to walk up the classloader ancestry links to find all
> possible implementations of a particular class?

I was pointing out that TCCL was being used to track the logging
environment. For classloading itself, it's up to you to figure it out

> > - If you're changing the API, I think you should consider using
> > java.util.logging as the facade API to replace the commons-logging 1.0
> > API. While the API exposed might be a bit sub optimal, this would be
> > the most "standard" way from users' perspective. See JULI in Tomcat,
> > and www.x4juli.org for java.util.logging "implementations" (providers
> > may be more accurate), but both are done using the
> > full-logging-implementation way, so maybe not very good examples, as
> > you would want to only develop facades.
> I don't quite understand what you mean here.
> Are you suggesting that commons-logging-xxx.jar should include our
> implementations of "java.util.logging.*" classes? I don't think that's
> allowed/possible...

I think providing a LogManager and the appropriate facade Loggers, I
don't see why it wouldn't work, but I didn't look that deeply into the

> Or are you suggesting that we write an implementation of
> j.u.l.LogManager so that the commons-logging-xxx.jar can be "plugged in"
> as a j.u.l implementation? I had made the assumption that JCL would be
> supporting java versions earlier than 1.4. I guess I should check, but I
> would think that the consensus is that we can't assume 1.4+ for JCL2.x

Well, that works too I guess, you could have one of the facades be a
facade for c-l.

> Or are you suggesting that we model the JCL api on j.u.l so that moving
> between the two is a minor search-and-replace? I agree that j.u.l is
> eventually going to be the standard logging interface (5-10 years away)
> by virtue of it being in the java standard libs. However there is
> significant benefit for the JCL project in keeping changes to the
> existing API small; the major users of JCL2.x will be existing JCL1.x
> users. In addition, much of the j.u.l API is about configuration which
> is something that JCL explicitly doesn't do; it wraps the *logging*
> parts only. JCL also has to be a "least common denominator" API, so
> deliberately leaves out things like a Level class. By the time all those
> things are left out, I don't think the remainder would look much like
> j.u.l anyway!

Personally, if I have to change the logging API, I would rather switch
to a standard now (if it's possible). As far as c-l goes, if
supporting old JDKs is necessary, this could be an issue ;)

Rémy Maucherat
Developer & Consultant
JBoss Group (Europe) SàRL

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