I believe I brought this up before, but I really think there's a need for
this.  We need a metadata framework which abstracts away the details of
exactly how the metadata is found/provided.  For example, some applications
use only JDK5 annotations to add metadata to their classes.  Others might
use Jakarta Commons Attributes.  Others might want to use XML files (if they
don't want to have to touch the source).  So, what we could provide is a
MetadataFactory (or whatever you want to call it) which can have "metadata
decorators" added to it.  The decorators are added to a pipeline and are
given a chance to append metadata information to the metadata object.  We
created something like this for the Trails (www.trailsframework.org) project
so that we could use "off-the-shelf" domain models (how many times have you
seen those at Best Buy?) within the framework by providing metadata via XML
files as opposed to using JDK5 annotations.  We could start this off in the
sandbox, of course.  Anyone interested in helping out?  I could start off
developing the core classes (the metatdata "holder" classes).

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