Also -1 to having the docs depend on javascript.

I am also -1 (PMC binding vote)

James Mitchell
EdgeTech, Inc.
Skype: jmitchtx

On Mar 16, 2006, at 9:24 AM, Niall Pemberton wrote:

On 3/15/06, Stephen Colebourne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Progress to remove commons-build seems to be moving along nicley. So far at least [lang], [io], [primitives], [collections], [codec], [logging]
and [betwixt] are done, plus [pool] unpublished.

I believe that I may have an even sneakier way to handle the shared menu
part however. This is a medium term idea...

We could write a piece of javascript that adds the menu items to the
page dynamically after the page is loaded. The script could be hosted
online and referenced by http. Thus one change to the javascript would affect all websites without regenerating them (as the CSS will do now).

Unfortunately, I don't have the time to investigate or play with this
right now, but if anyone else wants to feel free!

In the meantime, I suggest continuing with the current process to remove
commons-build as that seems to be working fine so far.

The problem with this approach is that as well as requiring an online
connection to build components, it also requires a online connection
to view the docs properly. IMO this isn't that much of an improvement
on having to check out commons-build. Plus as someone else mentioned,
it puts additional load on the apache hardware.

Seems to me that for the few people that build from source we're
removed one issue and added another (need online connection to build)
and for everyone we've added an issue when viewing the docs. I just
don't see how this can be considered improving the situation.

Also -1 to having the docs depend on javascript.



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