On 3/28/06, Martin Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3/28/06, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > On 3/28/06, Sandy McArthur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > I have searched some and the arguments don't hold water with me.
> >
> > Main reasons I cba to put my name on stuff I touch or create nowadays:
> >
> > * Private emails asking questions, offering patches etc. It starts to add
> > up.
> > * It's an effort to put @author in. I'm lazy. Lots of names in one
> > file does start to feel spammy.
> > * It's pretty minor in terms of recognition.
> >
> > > I'm proud of the code I've contributed and I think an @author tag is
> > > proper recognition. I feel strongly enough about this that I'd rather
> > > not contribute to apache at all than loose that recognition. We are
> > > not the "Apache Borg". We are a group of individuals that enjoy
> > > programming. I am not willing to be assimilated and if the rest of
> > > apache has a problem with that then revoke my commit rights.
> >
> > Until we decide as a community to remove the @author bits
> Hmm, I thought we'd made that decision some time ago. Am I spacing?

Probably not. I got sucked into the chair crap and lost my way. I
probably missed the thread etc.

If we have decided that, then I'm happy to script them all out (and
into team list files etc). And we should probably make sure that we
take care of disagreements now rather than later.

> , you're
> > welcome to keep adding them in. I'm pretty sure we've not made any
> > community decisions as that thread would have stretched on for a long
> > time.
> >
> > It's not a case of borg btw; the alternative to @author appears to be
> > listing the people involved in a project somewhere. Might be
> > interesting to do that per release :) Very Sesame St; "Commons Lang
> > 2.2 came to you via the work of ....".
> We already list the developers on the component web sites. For Pool, for
> example:
> http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/pool/team-list.html

Sorry, bad wording on my part. I rewrote that bit a few times and lost
the project.xml and other ways in which it's already done because I
was too interested in the idea of a list per release :)


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