Oh, this is a tough one...

[scxml] has user interest, what looks like a good codebase, excellent documentation. The problem is that it really doesn't quite seem to belong in commons. But equally it doesn't really belong obviously anywhere else at the moment*

Three specific things:
- the name - commons-state or commons-statechart reads better to me than commons-scxml

- library-ness - if this were a library that assisted with state handling, with an optional ability to read from the scxml format, then that might fit better with a commons library style component

- number of packages - [scxml] already has 10 packages (I know there's not much in many, but the concepts exist). I think this could be considered a warning sign (in the same way that a facination with the Apache brand is a warning sign for the incubator). IMHO, the better commons components are those with few packages. Perhaps, this is really more of a scope expansion warning.

My vote has to be -0.


*This vote is also linked in my mind with the ongoing discussions about jakarta's future. If the difference between commons-level and jakarta-level disappears then new scopes will appear within jakarta and scxml will probably find a home more easily.

[ ] +1 Move [scxml] to Commons Proper
[ ] +0 I am fine with this move
[X] -0 I am not too keen, because ...
[ ] -1 I am against this move, because ...

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