I'm +1.

There's been lots of user activity and more developer activity than in the

On 4/9/06, Rahul Akolkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I propose, for the second time, that we move [scxml] to Commons
> Proper. As a quick reminder, the first vote [1] called three months
> ago was -1'ed for lack of developer support.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> [ ] +1 Move [scxml] to Commons Proper
> [ ] +0 I am fine with this move
> [ ] -0 I am not too keen, because ...
> [ ] -1 I am against this move, because ...
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> This VOTE will remain open for a minimum of 72 hours.
> Why this proposal? Some data points, in no particular order (worth
> stressing that sentences prefixed by IMO are my opinions):
> * Repository-wise, [scxml] remains the most active component in the
> Commons sandbox. Most activity is building in new features, rather
> than iterating over any existing core (see commit messages in dev
> archives).
> * [scxml] is the most active sandbox component on the user list. Many
> users are keen on using it, reminders about the sandbox status of the
> component are handed out frequently (see user list archives). User
> demand has driven many of the latest changes to the code.
> * IMO, there is enough interest in the concept amongst Commons
> developers (see CommonsPeople wiki page). The code has been looked at
> critically by more than one Commons developers (see Tim's bugathon in
> BZ).
> * A [scxml] release will pave the way for a RDC 1.1 (its "parent"
> project) which is overdue in Taglibs, and already incorporates a
> SCXML-based dialog management strategy. IMO, [scxml] can add value to
> other projects within the ASF. Outside projects have also shown
> interest in using Commons SCXML as well (see this reference [2] in
> Eclipse land).
> * IMO, [scxml] brings in new ideas and people to Commons, and in the
> long run, its existence may also prove beneficial to its upstream
> Commons components such as JEXL.
> -Rahul
> [1]
> http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=jakarta-commons-dev&m=113709951301607&w=2
> [2] http://dev.eclipse.org/mhonarc/lists/vtp-dev/msg00151.html
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Chuck Norris sleeps with a night light. Not because Chuck Norris is afraid
of the dark, but because the dark is afraid of Chuck Norris

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