James Carman wrote:

What's the standard build system for Jakarta Commons right now?  I know
folks have been trying to move to M2, but is it stable enough and does it
support all we need currently (like sshdeploy and the like)?  I'd like to
move Commons Proxy to the proper, but my M2 build isn't quite working the
way I want it.


Previous discussions on this topic can be summarized like this: Until Maven 2 is sufficiently stable Commons Proper components should continue to use Maven 1. There are experiments going on in the sandbox with Maven 2 builds with various degrees of success.

For more reading, please see the wiki:
In particular the documents ReleaseShoppingList, CreatingSiteWithMaven2 and MavenPlugins.

If you need a hand with the Maven 2 build for Commons Proxy, let me know what the problem is and I'll see what I can do.

Dennis Lundberg

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