I think the appropriate processes for getting contributed code are the ones outlined:

Using some of the forms linked to from:

This process is predicated on there being a community for the code to go to. For the ip-clearance section, I need to get a member to manage the contribution. I thought this contribution made sense to go into commons. Do folks agree? If so, I'll be more than happy to go through the ip-clearance process, but I need a member to volunteer for managing the donation, and a place for it to go. I thought it made sense to go into compress, but I think that depends on how close compress is to releasing. As I mentioned before, this code has a number of things to finish before it's ready for primetime. I would estimate that I could get this ready in about a month. If this is too risky for compress, I would offer that we could start a new branch for the next version.

Does this make sense?

James Carman wrote:

Be careful when putting code from an outside source into the ASF code base.
You might want to check with the incubator folks (I cc'ed them on this
message) about this.  I would think that any code that is "donated" would
need to have the appropriate accompanying forms filled out, even if it is
just donated to an existing project.
-----Original Message-----
From: C. Grobmeier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 8:16 AM
To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
Subject: Re: Contributing Code

Hash: SHA1


I am interested in contributing code to commons.  I wrote a
ModifiableZip class, that basically implements all the methods on
ZipFile, but provides new methods for adding, removing and modifying
entries in an existing zip file.
The basics work, but it is still a bit rough around the edges.  I need
to do a bit more work on
  1)  Getting the proper apis
  2)  Changing package names + general refactoring
  3)  Making sure there is less duplication between what I have and
what is implemented in compress (there are common elements in
org.apache.commons.compress.ZipOutputStream that I feel we could share)
  4)  Filling in some of the smaller bits like file attributes, etc.
  5)  There are some other known bugs

I thought it made sense to contribute this now, and apply patches, since
I figured this could be useful to the VFS folks, and thought it might be
able to go into Compress, in which case being able to get feedback and
requirements from the communities earlier (rather than later) will be

this is great. I am doing work on compress at the moment, if you like i
send you the current code via email (i am not a comitter too). I will
check out your code and will try to put it into my current
implementation. It would be great if we could do this stuff together.

The zip file is

I'm not an Apache committer.  Should this be going through the incubator

IMHO not- it's just a enhancement to a allready incubatet codebase.
But i am not an expert on this stuff, so somebody please correct me if i
am writing bullshit.



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Christian Grobmeier
Possessed Management
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