On 5/2/06, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 5/2/06, Gary Gregory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > * Cleanup Commons project (we'll  still use it as a
> > catch-all). Delete components/versions.
> This does not match:
> > * Make Bugzilla read-only
> What about creating an 'Catch all' product in JIRA and only using JIRA?

It would be. My fault for not saying Jira/Bugzilla when refering to
the Commons project.

We'd suck all the data into a project in Jira called Commons. Then
we'd move stuff out of it into individual projects until we had just
[site]/[all] issues left. Then we'd delete the versions and components
in that Jira project and it becomes our catch-all Jira project.

The problem with that is that you can be sure that plenty of people will
file issues under something called just "Commons" without looking for the
component. We'd be better off, IMHO, creating explicit components for 'site'
and 'all'. (I'm not at all convinced we need the latter, though, since there
would be issues with figuring out when it's ready to be marked Closed.)

Martin Cooper


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