--- robert burrell donkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> with some qualifications
> > Vote will remain open until Friday 20:00 UT
> seems a bit tight given the current problems with
> minotaur

Given the number of minor issues, I will create an RC2
for people to view if they wish, but won't require a
re-vote. I'll also accept any votes until at least
that time on Saturday.

> i note that commons collections binary distribution
> now ships with just API documentation.
Its always shipped that way. Personally, I dislike
distributing the maven website in the binary, but it
seems to be commons practice, so I'll see what I can

> the JDK version for the MANIFEST.MF 'Created-By'
> property is
> 1.3.1_16-b06. the components claims 1.2
> compatibility. i'd prefer either
> a 1.2 JDK to be used or 
>       X-Compile-Source-JDK: 1.2
>       X-Compile-Target-JDK: 1.2 
> to be added to the MANIFEST.MF.
This is also nothing new, however I can probably add
these lines fairly easily.


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