In Maven 2.1, it will be able to correlate between the two, but currently they'll end up in there twice.

I'd suggest when a release first does this, it's going to need to move all the old versions to the new group ID, and add a relocation for the original group IDs to get it to work, as you've indicated here. It would be a good idea to do a test on this first, of course.

- Brett

Simon Kitching wrote:
On Sat, 2006-05-13 at 11:30 -0700, Martin Cooper wrote:
On 5/13/06, robert burrell donkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
On Thu, 2006-04-06 at 08:51 +0200, Nicolas De Loof wrote:
I agree about NOT making non-final jars available on ibiblio (httpclient
beeing an exception)
So could the next RC be uploaded to ?

Please also consider using the new groupId recommandation for apache
commons-X : org.apache.commons.X
should we make this change for the whole of the commons?

I would be in favour of that. The sooner all ASF projects use a consistent
groupId scheme, the better.

how much hassle would this change be for downstream consumers?

Virtually none, as long as we make the change obvious, e.g. by including the
groupId and artifactId in release announcements and download pages, or
somewhere of that sort.

What happens if someone has a project that has the following

  project depends on A, B
  A depends on group=commons-lang, artifact=commons-lang
  B depends on group=org.apache.commons.lang, artifact=commons-lang

Is maven smart enough to avoid putting lang in the dependencies twice?

There is a special POM entry that can indicate a "relocation" of the
target. I don't know the details of how this works though.

In general, though, I'm in favour of the move to a properly structured
group-id. As maven gets more popular (the repo gains more entries), the
existing flattish structure becomes harder to manage. And from the
volume of messages on the maven lists, its popularity is growing fast..



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