Luc Maisonobe wrote :

I don't think everything in Mantissa is useful for Commons-Math. IMHO, the most interesting parts are :

 - the estimation package
   Gauss-Newton estimator (based on LU decomposition),
   Levenberg-Marquardt estimator (based on QR decomposition)
 - the fitting package (curve fitting, using the estimation package)
 - the Ordinary Differential Equations package
   this is clearly THE best package in Mantissa, with several
   state of the art integrators with fixed steps, variable stepsize
   (including Dormand-Prince 8 (5,3) and Gragg-Bulirsch-Stoer),
   all of them supporting continuous output and multiple switching
   functions (can be used for G-stop, but not limited to that), well
  tested and used
 - the roots package
  provides a Brent algorithm when the derivatives are not available

I forgot to talk about the optimization package (direct search methods using only functions values, without derivatives). This could also be interesting in addition to the estimation package. It provides one generic abstract solver and two implementations, Nelder-Mead and Virginia Torczon's mutidirectional search.


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