
Since when did we start inviting people into Jakarta based on their first
(AFAIK) proposed - and not yet accepted - patch? Has anyone looked at the
patch? I haven't seen any discussion on it, and I know that I'm not going to
have time to look at it until the weekend, long after this vote will have
closed, apparently.

please let me state some points at this time:

- I did not ask for Karma explicitly. I phrased it like "may be when I
have earned trust,
 I can get Karma to finish the job", or something like that.
- Even more so, I am completely with Martin on that point. I wouldn't
invite a new
 developer to an existing project, at least not without good reasons,
without seeing
 (and possibly more important: discussing) code.
- This applies in particular to my proposed patch: Given the nature of
the proposed
 changes, they are obviously non-trivial. As I do not know the
project, the developers,
 and the users, it is most possibly unwise to let me introduce new
interfaces at the
 core or do stuff like that. This is something, an experienced
developer should do.
- My main concern was to make sure, that I have the attention of such
a developer,
 which would be ready to review, refuse, or pull in a series of
patches - each of which
 with a small, controllable effect and with the big picture in mind.
However, I admit
 that it wouldn't be my interest to wait several weeks for a reply.
That's why I have
 asked in front: If noone had replied, then I would have preferred to
save my time.

In other words: I'd be more than happy, if Martin would agree to be my
guide. I would, however, beg, that he agrees to spend some hours per
month so that we have a reasonal chance to get this in within the next
three months or so.


Whenever you find yourself on the side of the
majority, it is time to pause and reflect.
(Mark Twain)

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