On 6/3/06, Martin Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 6/3/06, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It looks like something weird has happened to the FAQ plugin. The item
titles are now showing up as (inoperative) links instead of bold text. Very
strange, but I doubt it's anything you've done. ;-)

The jakarta-maven.css file has a couple of bits of css that cause the
<a name="..."> to be underlined and on hover to have a red background.
However removing those bits still leave it with a blue background
part, so there's another piece of css in a file other than that one to
deal with.

Need to fix the FAQ plugin to output different html, doing <a
name="aaa">la</a> seems like it isn't going to work with css well.
Maybe do <a href="name"></a><span>la</span>, or maybe a class=".." on
the anchor can be used to turn the features back off again.


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