Is anyone opposed to my starting to put together an rc1 distribution
for Lang 2.2?

The current state of play can be seen at:

There is one issue left in 2.2; a bug that sometimes passes tests and
sometimes fails - regardless of which, I'm not sure how to fix it even
when I do figure out how to make it repeatedly fail. I suspect I have
to sit and play with my system clock. I'm tempted to push it back to

The next release, 2.3, has 9 issues in. Enum ones, a few new methods
for various XxxUtils and some that I've pushed back from 2.2.

The 3.0 release has a dozen more new methods and cleanup items.

So I'm thinking - push LANG-59 back to 2.3 and go ahead and release 2.2.

Any thoughts? Anyone got any ideas on LANG-59 solution-wise? Anyone
know of any half-finished code in there at the moment?


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