Hi Rahul!
> We can continue building (like we have been, in the nightlies for many
> months), but we can't release those
Yes, I am aware of. Just a ready made jar for download would be great.
(including a source jar - if we only could use m2 for this ;-) )

> Yup, for m1 primarily. extras/ is often used to indicate stuff that
> might not be available in the "core" component,  but can be
> obtained/integrated separately. Not sure if having a Commons sandbox
> and a per component sandbox might be any confusing, but I'm fine with
> that (if you really can't live with extras/ :-)
I think, in contrast to extras/ the sandbox/ much more indicates that
this stuff will not be release for what ever reason.
extras/ is something like say "tomahawk for myfaces" where both have its
own release cycles.
Said that, we can have extras/ later if we dont want to bloat the core
with all the filesystems, but I think then we might go the
per-filesystem-jar way, no?
So, well, I can live with extras/ but I prefer the sandbox/ :-)


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