Everything is set to make the transition to the new groupId. I was
hoping that we could use the upcoming release of configuration as the
first release with the new groupId.

I will do the necessary work to relocate this and previous releases of
configuration, once the release has been made, so that the transition is
as transparent as possible to downstream users

Configuration depends on many commons components:
* commons-collections
* commons-lang
* commons-logging-api
* commons-beanutils-core
* commons-codec
* commons-jxpath
maybe it will be better to relocate them first, make configuration
depending on relocated (final?) group/artifact Ids instead of releasing
pom, that will depend on something, which will be obsoleted
some time later (as I understand, releases of next versions of commons
packages will mean 'release new version under new groupId and relocate
previous version).

just my 5cents,
Dennis Lundberg

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