Phil Steitz wrote:
I am interested in what others have to
say about this as a general practice for commons.  For [math] specifically,
I think it is important that we can fit seamlessly into localized
applications, and we are refactoring our exceptions hierarchy anyway, so I
say go for it.

I disagree strongly with the whole concept of localized exception messages. Localization for users yes, but developers no.

> On 1/28/07, Luc Maisonobe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As a non-native english speaker, I am quite eager to provide users
> with libraries that can be embedded seemlessly into localized
> applications.

IMO, a localized application actually means localization for users, and implies nothing for developers.

Adding localized error messages is another place for the application to go wrong, so you're going to have to test this fully. After all, if you get it wrong, you could lose the real exception and just get a meaningless failed to localize exception. And thats a terrible outcome.

For the record, I would -1 any code commit to add localized error messages to a component I actively commit to.


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