I've managed to get Eclipse/Subclipse to play nicely and point at the relevant SVN branch - it looks to me as though the interfaces have been genericised, so the implementations and test cases need to be worked on.

That said, writing test cases for these changes may be tricky as issues with generics normally surface at compile-time... has anyone handled such a problem before in test cases?

Stephen Smith, MEng (Wales).

Stephen Colebourne wrote:
Stephen Smith wrote:
Stephen C: earlier in this thread, you mentioned that "we'll need to throw away my current ramblings in the existing generics branch, but thats no bad thing" - how far did you get with your own work on generifying/genericising (have we even settled on a word for what we're doing yet?), and why exactly do we want to bin it?

Well, as much as anything, I don't remember how far I got, or what state its in. I don't think it was that far, but if someone wants to analyse and compare the generics branch to the main branch then go ahead. Perhaps it can be saved.


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