Henri Yandell wrote:
On 4/2/07, Torsten Curdt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 02.04.2007, at 09:49, Stephen Colebourne wrote:

> Henri Yandell wrote:
>> Personally I think we should only have the plugins defined if the
>> release jar itself needs them for stability.

...and then have the project define the reports they want?

Sorry - plugin versions.

Or is that the problem now, you can't use a version that's tied to
your Maven installation because said plugin is not a part of the core

Speaking of Maven 2 here. The Maven installation doesn't contain any plugins, they are downloaded when they are needed. Unless you specify the version of a plugin that you want to use, you get the "latest" version. This in turn is found in the metadata in the repository, from which the plugin is downloaded.

>> Otherwise we just deal
>> with whatever pain Maven is throwing everyone's way and yell at them
>> to fix.
> Er why? It is not our job to be gump and test commons builds
> against the latest random collection of maven plugins.

Don't get that either. I want to make our life's less painful.
Specifying the versions helps a great deal with that.

Maybe I'm being Maven1 minded.

I don't think we should be wasting time figuring out which plugin
version is good and which is bad for the many many plugins that are
just there to stick crap on the site.

Then again - it's in the central pom and not each project so not a
biggy I guess. Go for it.


Dennis Lundberg

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