Hi, I was thinking lately about the orientation for the next releases. I focused on the design choices, some features like new configurations could be added at any moment. Here is what we could do, feel free to add your points to the list.

Commons Configuration 1.5.x

Java 1.3 compatible
Deprecate everything to be removed in 2.x
Backport of bug fixes until Configuration 3 is out

Commons Configuration 2.x

Java 1.4 compatible
API cleanup, but no major refactoring
Remove the deprecated methods and classes (HierarchicalXMLConfiguration, ConfigurationFactory ?)
Remove the dependency on Commons Logging
PreferencesConfiguration, ConfigurationPreferences
Implement the Locators ?
Add the generic get methods to the Configuration interface
Backport of bug fixes after the release of Configuration 3

Commons Configuration 3.x

Java 5 compatible
New package : org.apache.commons.config
Remove the dependency on Commons Collections
In deepth refactoring of the API
Make all configurations hierarchical by default
Nodes are Configurations, like java.util.Preferences
Generification of the API
Pluggable converters (Morph, Beanutils ?)

Emmanuel Bourg

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