On 5/18/07, Torsten Curdt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 18.05.2007, at 10:44, Jochen Wiedmann wrote:

> On 5/18/07, Torsten Curdt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Ehm... could we first sort out the repository question I brought
>> up? ...and preferably also the related release process?
>> We should also add the version numbers to the plugins.
>> I'd say: let's work this out over the weekend and re-start the vote
>> in a couple of days.
> I do think, that introducing a new deployment mechanism is a larger
> disruption than the changes made so far in 3-SNAPSHOT. In other words,
> I'd prefer to see this in a separate release.
> Apart from that, what prevents us from publishing version 3 now and a
> version 4, if the above questions are resolved? I do not understand
> this "oh, just wait until I've got my favourite feature in" whenever
> it comes to a release of the commons-parent. This thing doesn't need
> exhaustive QA or something like that, and it's not like we weren't
> able to manage 12 releases of it every year.

I am with you on the release often ...but I on the other hand
fixating the
plugin versions and a working release setup is a bit of blocker for
me ATM.
So if you want to release now - fine. But I'd like to have another
that fixes those things ASAP anyway. So I was just wondering whether
a few more days would make such a big difference.

I agree that we need to specify the plugin versions.  If not in the
parent, then the individual poms are going to have to do it (in which
case, I don't know if there is value in specifying things in the
parent.  Could be ignorance here - are the plugin settings merged
somehow?) The important requirement IMO is that anything that we
release has a (perpetually) repeatable source build, both from the
source distro and the svn tag.  If we release something that has only
an m2 build and does not specify plugin versions, we risk breaking


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