Update on this:

After talking to the gump guys, the solution was to check in wiser and
subethasmtp into email's svn and have gump reference those prebuilt jars as
dependencies. This way is a good compromise between commons-email's needs
and gump's. If for some reason subethasmtp and wiser become dependencies of
another project, I'll do all the effort to get them checked out and building
every night; in the meantime, this will work fine.

Sorry for upsetting the apple cart in the first place :)


On 6/15/07, Ben Speakmon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

argh, what a can of worms I have opened :)

It seems like using maven 2 in the gump descriptor is unsupported and sort
of defeats the purpose, so I don't think that's a good idea. It does strike
me a little silly to make metadata for a testing library, but it's not some
onerous task that will block me for weeks. And it'll be a decent learning

I'll email the gump devs for some help; I think I can set up the
descriptor myself, but I bet retroweaver is going to cause some grief.

On 6/15/07, Niall Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> AIUI the purpose of gump is to give advance warning of upcoming
> problems by building from the latest source. So if there were changes
> in the smtp/wiser project that affected Commons email, you get advance
> warning. Since as you say, its only a test dependency then its
> probably not as important.
> From a practical PoV if you just want to use a "packaged" dependency
> in gump - rather than building those jars from source then (from my
> past experience of gump) you need the help of the gump devs - anyone
> can change the gump metadata - but adding a packaged jar requires
> privs. that ordinary ASF committers don't have on gump.
> Having said that, from what Bill said in this thread, if you switch
> gump to use maven2 then thats effectively what you get (for all
> dependencies). Doing that though seems to me to loose all gump
> benefits for Commons Email though - so it would be there (i.e. in
> gump) only to benefit downstream dependencies.
> So I think either you fix it yourself by either switching to maven2 or
> setting up  subethasmtp project on gump to build from source.
> Or you ask the gump devs to help - and let them solve it in the way
> they think best.
> Niall
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