2009/6/17 Daniel Kulp <dk...@apache.org>

> On Tue June 16 2009 10:32:50 am Sanjiva Weerawarana wrote:
> > The way Neethi works is that it basically uses Axiom only to implement
> the
> > policy-domain specific parser to create the policy-domain specific object
> > model. That is, it is TOTALLY internal.
> Not entirely.   The PolicyEngine object has public methods like:
> Policy getPolicy(OMElement element)
> that make it NOT totally internal.

That can be fixed easily ... that can be moved to a utility.

That's a matter of opinion.  I personally find dealing with StAX quite easy,
> but I'm completely used to it by now.  :-)
> That said, if you want to keep it a tree, I'm QUITE OK with using
> org.w3c.dom.Element.   That would make my life MUCH easier as all the CXF
> builders are already using it.   :-)       I mostly suggested StAX since
> the
> writers are already using it.  Kind of a mirror thing.

I'm afraid DOM is not an option from an Axis2 point of view. We're trying to
get away from it in order to achieve better performance - Rampart2 being one
of those efforts.

> That could could easily be factory'ed away but that would still require
> > and Axis2 to have their own domain specific builders. Have you evaluated
> > the pain level of going down to StAX to do the building?
> The main point of what I'm trying to do with 3.0 is to make it so CXF and
> Axis2 don't need their own domain specific builders.   We can share the
> policy
> model objects, the builders that go with them, etc....    For example, I
> know
> that several of the Rampart builders don't properly record some of the
> attributes into the model.   I know cause I fixed them in the CXF builders.
> It would be good to have a single set of builders and models where we can
> both
> benefit from fixes such as that.

Absolutely +1 if we can achieve that.

However, that cannot happen until we agree on an API for the builders.
> Using
> Axiom is a non-starter for me.   StAX or DOM Element is OK by me.  Doesn't
> matter which.  You have a preference between those two?   I'd be happy
> either
> way.

If you're willing to rewrite all the current domain specific builders using
straight StAX and not Axiom that's ok but there's a lot of those in security
policy :). I'd rather not.

PolicyEngine is really a policy builder class. That could be moved to a util
package and devalued to what it is - a way to build a model. By doing that
we can avoid a hard coded Axiom dependency and yet share the domain specific
models etc, even if not the builders.

> I'm not sure what MEX impacts here .. Axis2 has a MEX module and there's
> overlap/issue with Neethi's parsing model there. What am I missing?

It mostly has to do if you get a Policy as an InputStream (MEX or from a
> Policy repository via REST or similar), what is the most efficient way of
> converting that stream into a usable Policy object.   InputStream -> StAX
> ->
> builders is quite efficient requiring near 0 memory overhead during the
> conversion.  However, policy docs are "generally" fairly smallish (unless
> you
> are really nuts and LOVE policy docs ;-)  so doing an InputStream -> some
> infoset model like Axiom/DOM -> builders is really not THAT big of a deal.

Yeah its usually not a big deal and often these are cached after first hit.

Sanjiva Weerawarana, Ph.D.
Founder, Director & Chief Scientist; Lanka Software Foundation;
Founder, Chairman & CEO; WSO2, Inc.; http://www.wso2.com/
Member; Apache Software Foundation; http://www.apache.org/
Visiting Lecturer; University of Moratuwa; http://www.cse.mrt.ac.lk/

Blog: http://sanjiva.weerawarana.org/

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