Would the intention of this be to reproduce the functionality of
as found in J2SE 1.4?

java.net.URI seems quite complete.

If so how many people can't make the switch to 1.4? I am not using
1.4.x in producion yet but I have been doing all my development with
1.4.1 so at this point it is just a matter of mustering the energy for
installing jdk's and running tests etc.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeffrey Dever" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Commons HttpClient Project"
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2003 9:41 AM
Subject: Propose a new commons-uri package

> This is just a draft regarding factoring out the URI based code in
> HttpClient into its own dedicated package.  Please comment.
> (0) rationale
> The concept of a URI is prevelent in networking.  A specific form of
> URI, a URL is used ubiquitously across the internet.  Currently
> HttpClient houses the URI and URL based classes, but these have much
> broader use.  This common functionality should be housed in its own
> dedicated, small, reusable package.  Any projects that require URI,
> or URN functionality can do so by importing a small, focused
> commons-uri.jar.
> (1) scope of the package
> The package shall provide a complete java implementation of RFC2396.
>  This includes the URI as well as URL and URN classes and utilities.
>  The implementation will be fully character set aware.
> (1.5) interaction with other packages
> Have no dependancies beyond the standard java packages.
>     *
> (2) identify the initial source for the packages
> Various classes in common from from Commons HttpClient Jakarta
> (2.1) identify the base name for the package
> org.apache.commons.uri
> (2.2) identify the coding conventions for this package
> The code uses the conventions from the Jakarta Commons.
> (2.1) Identify the initial file structure
> jakarta-commons/org/apache/commons/uri
> uri/
>      URI.java
>      URIUtil.java
>      URIException.java
>      url/
>           HttpsURL.java
>           HttpURL.java
>      urn/
> (3) identify any Jakarta-Commons resources to be created
> (3.1) mailing list
> (3.2) CVS repositories
> jakarta-commons/uri
> (3.3) Bugzilla
> The package should be listed as the uri component under the
> Jakarta-Commons Bugzilla entry.
> (4) identify the initial set of committers to be listed in the
Status File.
> Jeff Dever (jsdever)
> Sung-Gu Park (jericho)
> others?
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