I'm using Tomcat 4.1.18, and my log for Turbine is set to debug (not that
crazy ;)), but httpclient is either logging everything, either nothing...
very weird. I'll have to look further into it sometime.

What you say is weird, I have another line where my post went ok :

Oleg Kalnichevski a écrit :

> Aurelien
> This is the expected behavior with non-compliant HTTP servers. The
> HTTP server apparently does not respond with 100-continue as expected.
> HttpClient resumes sending the request body after 3 second timeout.
> What HTTP server are working with? It appears to have issues with
> HTTP 1.1 spec compliance.
> As to excessive noise in the logs, try using "debug" verbosity
> instead "trace" one.
> Oleg
> On Tue, 2003-02-25 at 16:18, Aurelien Pernoud wrote:
>> Here is stuff I got from a Post Method, after removing the log of
>> method :
>> [25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] - >> "User-Agent: Jakarta
>> Commons-HttpClient/2.0alpha2 " [\r\n]
>> [25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] - >> "Host: localhost:8080 " [\r\n]
>> [25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] - >> "Cookie: $Version=0;
>> JSESSIONID=6ECE869D6914A8D1E9E5B22813CAEC52; $Path=/generatedApp "
>> [\r\n] [25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] - >> "Content-Length: 178 "
>> [\r\n] [25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] - >> "Expect: 100-continue "
>> [\r\n] [25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] - >> "Content-Type:
>> application/x-www-form-urlencoded
>> " [\r\n]
>> [25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] - >> [\r\n]
>> [25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] - Expecting response
>> [25 févr. 2003 16:05:34 DEBUG] - Waiting for response timeout
>> [25 févr. 2003 16:05:34 DEBUG] - Response not available. Send the
>> request body [25 févr. 2003 16:05:34 DEBUG] - Request body sent
>> [25 févr. 2003 16:05:34 DEBUG] - << "
>> And I think that's were the "missing HTTP/" exception came, but I'm
>> not sure
>> BTW, I think you should remove the log "enter
>> HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()", cause I have like 50.000 lines
>> of it in my log for only one request... :/

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