Disabling ExpectContinue handshake help either.Is there an other way to
make it work.


"Michael Becke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 03/14/2003 06:57:59 PM

Please respond to "Commons HttpClient Project"

To:    "Commons HttpClient Project"
Subject:    Re: problem with post

You want to call setUseExpectHeader(false) on the post method.


On Friday, March 14, 2003, at 06:35 PM,

> Hai,
> I did get in the latest code.The wire log s different now but the
> problem
> persists.Oleg , could you be more explicit
> when you say  I should disable  ExpectContinue handshake. Here is the
> new
> wire log
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "POST / HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "User-Agent: Jakarta
> Commons-HttpClient/2.0alpha3[\r]
> [\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "Host:[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "Content-Length: 821[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "Expect: 100-continue[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "[\r][\n]"
> [INFO] HttpMethod - -100 (continue) read timeout. Resume sending the
> request
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "sending to router, serv_id 56,data
> *REQUEST{EMP_ID=329;CENTER=423;TN=5164864970;REQ_ID=;LMOSREQ{}}%
> >[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "sending to client <HTTP/1.1 200 OK[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "Content-type: text/fcif[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "Content-length: 531[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "*ENVHDR{[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "CID=NSDB;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "CVERS=2.2;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "ONLINE=N;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "CFN=DMLR;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "ERRMSG=SUCCESSFUL;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "ERRN=0;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "}%[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "*REQUEST{[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "EMP_ID=329;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "CENTER=423;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "TN=5164864970;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "REQ_ID=;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "LMOSREQ{[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "}[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "}%[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "*RESULTS{[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "RETC=0000;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "RSTYPE=C;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "NSDBRS{[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "CUST{[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "LN=BONONNO, ROBERT;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "SA=109 E 2 MANHATTAN NY;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "LOC=FLR=3 APT=6;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "DLR_CUS=365;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "DLR_MAIN=2077723759;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "DLR_BTN=2077723759;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "}[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "LS{[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "WKG=IE;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "OEID=AA08-1-01-30;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "NUMFACS=2;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "}[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "EQUIP{[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "TERM=SINGLE PARTY;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "}[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "FN{[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "NAMEOFFAC=F1;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "CA=F1003;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "PR=352;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "BP=354;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "TEA=SCT 18-20 1 AV OT X;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "}[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "FN{[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "NAMEOFFAC=F2;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "CA=1135X;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "PR=910;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "BP=10;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "TEA=109 E 2 REAR OT C;[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "}[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "}[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "}%[\r][\n]"
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> ">"
> [DEBUG] wire - -<< "
> [WARN] HttpMethod - -Recoverable exception caught when reading response
> org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpRecoverableException:
> org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpRecoverableException: Error in
> parsing
> the status  line from the response: unable to find line starting with
> "HTTP/"
>       at
> org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase.readResponse(HttpMethodBas
> e.java:1735)
>       at
> org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase.processRequest(HttpMethodB
> ase.java:2336)
>       at
> org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase.execute(HttpMethodBase.jav
> a:950)
>       at
> org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient.executeMethod(HttpClient.java:
> 578)
>       at
> org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient.executeMethod(HttpClient.java:
> 477)
>       at
> com.verizon.wbtt.components.validator.BMEXTest.main(BMEXTest.java:38)
> Exception in thread "main"
> Thanks
> Vikram
> "Kalnichevski, Oleg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 03/14/2003
> 11:03:17 AM
> Please respond to "Commons HttpClient Project"
>        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:    "Commons HttpClient Project"
>        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> cc:
> Subject:    RE: problem with post
> Vikram
> Now it is clear as day light, that the web server you are posting
> requests
> to does not support (or does not correctly implement) 'Expect:
> 100-continue' handshake.
> 1) What web server are you using? Does the server support HTTP/1.1?
> 2) Follow the instructions from my previous post to work the problem
> around
> Cheers
> Oleg
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Freitag, 14. März 2003 16:37
> To: Commons HttpClient Project
> Subject: RE: problem with post
> Hai,
> Thanks Tom for pointing out that. Here is my wire log
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "POST / HTTP/1.1
> " [\r\n]
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/2.0alpha3
> " [\r\n]
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "Host:
> " [\r\n]
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "Content-Length: 821
> " [\r\n]
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "Expect: 100-continue
> " [\r\n]
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> [\r\n]
> [DEBUG] wire - -<< "
> org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpRecoverableException:
> org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpRecoverableException: Error in
> parsing
> the status  line from the response: unable to find line starting with
> "HTTP/"
>       at
> org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase.readResponse(HttpMethodBas
> e.java:1733)
>       at
> org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase.writeRemainingRequestBody(
> HttpMethodBase.java:2377)
>       at
> org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase.execute(HttpMethodBase.jav
> a:963)
>       at
> org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient.executeMethod(HttpClient.java:
> 578)
>       at
> org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient.executeMethod(HttpClient.java:
> 477)
>       at
> com.verizon.wbtt.components.validator.BMEXTest.main(BMEXTest.java:39)
> Exception in thread "main"
> And here is the   log
> executed post821
> [TRACE] GetMethod - -enter GetMethod(String)
> [TRACE] PostMethod - -enter PostMethod.setRequestBody(InputStream)
> [TRACE] EntityEnclosingMethod - -enter
> EntityEnclosingMethod.setRequestBody(InputStream)
> [TRACE] EntityEnclosingMethod - -enter
> EntityEnclosingMethod.setRequestContentLength(int)
> [TRACE] HttpClient - -enter HttpClient.executeMethod(HttpMethod)
> [TRACE] HttpClient - -enter
> HttpClient.executeMethod(HostConfiguration,HttpMethod)
> [DEBUG] HttpConnection - -HttpConnectionManager.getConnection:
> creating
> connection for via null:-1 using protocol: http:80
> [DEBUG] HttpConnection - -HttpConnection.setSoTimeout(0)
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.open()
> [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter HttpMethodBase.execute(HttpState,
> HttpConnection)
> [TRACE] Authenticator - -enter Authenticator.authenticate(HttpMethod,
> HttpState)
> [TRACE] Authenticator - -enter Authenticator.authenticate(HttpMethod,
> HttpState, Header, String)
> [DEBUG] HttpMethod - -Execute loop try 1
> [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter HttpMethodBase.processRequest(HttpState,
> HttpConnection)
> [TRACE] HttpMethod - -Attempt number 1 to write request
> [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter HttpMethodBase.writeRequest(HttpState,
> HttpConnection)
> [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter HttpMethodBase.writeRequestLine(HttpState,
> HttpConnection)
> [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter
> HttpMethodBase.generateRequestLine(HttpConnection, String, String,
> String,
> String)
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.print(String)
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.write(byte[])
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.write(byte[], int, int)
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "POST / HTTP/1.1
> " [\r\n]
> [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter
> HttpMethodBase.writeRequestHeaders(HttpState,HttpConnection)
> [TRACE] EntityEnclosingMethod - -enter
> EntityEnclosingMethod.addRequestHeaders(HttpState, HttpConnection)
> [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter HttpMethodBase.addRequestHeaders(HttpState,
> HttpConnection)
> [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter
> HttpMethodBase.addUserAgentRequestHeaders(HttpState, HttpConnection)
> [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter
> HttpMethodBase.addHostRequestHeader(HttpState,
> HttpConnection)
> [DEBUG] HttpMethod - -Adding Host request header
> [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter
> HttpMethodBase.addCookieRequestHeader(HttpState, HttpConnection)
> [TRACE] HttpState - -enter HttpState.getCookies()
> [TRACE] CookieSpec - -enter CookieSpecBase.match(String, int, String,
> boolean, Cookie[])
> [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter
> HttpMethodBase.addAuthorizationRequestHeader(HttpState, HttpConnection)
> [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter
> HttpMethodBase.addProxyAuthorizationRequestHeader(HttpState,
> HttpConnection)
> [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter
> HttpMethodBase.addContentLengthRequestHeader(HttpState, HttpConnection)
> [TRACE] EntityEnclosingMethod - -enter
> EntityEnclosingMethod.getRequestContentLength()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.print(String)
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.write(byte[])
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.write(byte[], int, int)
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/2.0alpha3
> " [\r\n]
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.print(String)
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.write(byte[])
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.write(byte[], int, int)
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "Host:
> " [\r\n]
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.print(String)
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.write(byte[])
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.write(byte[], int, int)
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "Content-Length: 821
> " [\r\n]
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.print(String)
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.write(byte[])
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.write(byte[], int, int)
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> "Expect: 100-continue
> " [\r\n]
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.writeLine()
> [DEBUG] wire - ->> [\r\n]
> [TRACE] EntityEnclosingMethod - -enter
> EntityEnclosingMethod.writeRequestBody(HttpState, HttpConnection)
> [DEBUG] EntityEnclosingMethod - -Expecting response
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.waitForResponse(int)
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()
> [DEBUG] HttpConnection - -Waiting for response timeout
> [DEBUG] HttpMethod - -Response not available. Send the request body
> [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter writeRemainingRequestBody(HttpState,
> HttpConnection)
> [TRACE] EntityEnclosingMethod - -enter
> EntityEnclosingMethod.writeRequestBody(HttpState, HttpConnection)
> [TRACE] EntityEnclosingMethod - -enter
> EntityEnclosingMethod.getRequestContentLength()
> [TRACE] EntityEnclosingMethod - -enter
> EntityEnclosingMethod.getRequestBody
> ()
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.getRequestOutputStream()
> [DEBUG] EntityEnclosingMethod - -Request body sent
> [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter HttpMethodBase.readResponse(HttpState,
> HttpConnection)
> [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter HttpMethodBase.readStatusLine(HttpState,
> HttpConnection)
> [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.readLine()
> [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter HttpConnection.readLine()
> [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter HttpConnection.readRawLine()
> [DEBUG] wire - -<< "
> org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpRecoverableException:
> org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpRecoverableException: Error in
> parsing
> the status  line from the response: unable to find line starting with
> "HTTP/"
>       at
> org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase.readResponse(HttpMethodBas
> e.java:1733)
>       at
> org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase.writeRemainingRequestBody(
> HttpMethodBase.java:2377)
>       at
> org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase.execute(HttpMethodBase.jav
> a:963)
>       at
> org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient.executeMethod(HttpClient.java:
> 578)
>       at
> org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient.executeMethod(HttpClient.java:
> 477)
>       at
> com.verizon.wbtt.components.validator.BMEXTest.main(BMEXTest.java:38)
> Exception in thread "main"
> Thanks
> Vikram
> "Tom Samplonius" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 03/14/2003 02:06:09 AM
> Please respond to "Commons HttpClient Project"
>        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:    "Commons HttpClient Project"
>        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> cc:
> Subject:    RE: problem with post
> On Thu, 13 Mar 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> System.setProperty(
>> "org.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.log.httpclient.wire ", "debug");
>   I had this problem too.  You copied this right off the website,
> didn't
> you?  Well, there is an extra space after ".wire" that prevents this
> from
> doing anything.  Take it out, and it will activate wirelogging.
>   Someone might want to fix the website.
> Tom
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