Also, connections release themselves when there is no more data to be read from the stream.
The solution in this case is to always call releaseConnection() when you're finished with the connection (as is mentioned lots and lots through our docs :) and I really can't see any better way to deal with it.

This is definitely the right use of the API (the one who acquires a resource is the one to release it; not taking disasters like sudden death into account here). Forgetting releaseConnection is misuse and therefore I don't care if a deadlock occurs in that situation. Are we 100% sure that a deadlock can not occur when releaseConnection is used correctly?

In proper use, we are as certain as is possible that HttpClient won't deadlock. There are of course a number of places where HttpClient can be configured to wait indefinitely such as if the server doesn't respond etc but all of that is configurable.

Adrian Sutton.

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