Hi Laura,

This is something that Oleg and I were discussing recently in regard to post parameters being form urlencoded. This case is partially related.

It seems the server in question is assuming that query params are form urlencoded. The method you are using is actually URI encoding everything. According to URI(rfc 2396) both space and + are encoded as their hex values in the query.

The quick solution for this is to not encode the URIs using httpclient.URI. This can be accomplished in two ways:

- use the XXMethod(String) constructor. it assumes everything is encoded already
- use XXMethod.setQueryString(String). it also assumes the query is already encoded

Both of these require you to encode the URI before passing it to the HttpMethods.

So the next question is... are we correctly handling query params by URI encoding them? I believe that this is generally okay, but as you have discovered, it may not work in all cases. In the server you are hitting HTTP 1.0?


Laura Werner wrote:
Hi all,

I'm having a weird problem with escaped characters in the query part of a URI. In the old, alpha1 version of HttpClient, we used URIUtil.encodeAll() to encode our query parameter values, and it escaped spaces with "+", resulting in "Mountain+View". With the latest HttpClient, we use URIUtil.encodeWithinQuery(). If we encode a query like "Mountain View", we get back "Mountain%20View".
Does anyone know why this behavior changed? Our app server is barfing on it for some reason and giving the JSP the encoded string with the %20 in it when it calls getParameter. (This is probably a bug in the server, but our applications group is on my case because the behavior of our client changed.)

The background ere is that for legacy reasons, we build up the query part of the URL ourselves, encoding each parameter as we append it to the string. Then we create a java.net.URL object out of it (yuck). Finally, at fetch time, we do new URI(url.toString()). (Double yuck.)

I'm going to play with this a bit more. It may be that I don't even have to encode the query strings myself, and that the new URI constructor will do it for me. But I figured I'd ask here and see if anyone knew what had changed or had run into a problem like this before.

Laura Werner

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