Ortwin - 

Correct.  I have completed the code using javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection 
(Creating a special keymanager (for my crypto framework), setting up the 
SSLContext, creating SSLSocketFactory, etc.) .  I was just hoping that 
HttpClient had a Socket factory already written for this functionality, as 
it would buy me a few other things, mainly timeouts.    I would be glad to 
write the Socket factory myself, but I am unfortunately on a short 
schedule.    Would this functionality be of use to anyone else?  If it is 
something people would find useful, I would gladly contribute it.

  Matt Secoske

Ortwin Glück <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
06/26/2003 02:57 AM
Please respond to "Commons HttpClient Project"

        To:     Commons HttpClient Project <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject:        Re: Client Auth / Certificates

> I am looking for a way to specify a particular 
> client SSL certificate for Client Authenticated SSL. 

This is usually done by writing a SSLSocketFactory that creates Sockets 
with the Client Cert attached.

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