Agreed. I will call for a beta-2 release shortly.


On Sunday, June 29, 2003, at 06:28 PM, Oleg Kalnichevski wrote:

Sounds like a plan.

BTW, I think we should release current CVS snapshot as BETA-2. If my
memory does not fail me, we have not had a single new 'confirmed' bug
for over two weeks or even more. I suggest we call it a release.

I am off to bed. Talk to you tomorrow


On Mon, 2003-06-30 at 00:14, Michael Becke wrote:
On Sunday, June 29, 2003, at 05:45 PM, Oleg Kalnichevski wrote:

It does sound like a good idea to me, but could not it wait until 3.0,
as it does seem to be exactly what Eric has been proposing as a
"framework of interfaces"?

It might fall within the "framework of interfaces" idea. My impression
was that this dealt more with HttpMethods/responses though. The idea
here would be to move some of the current connection code to something
more pluggable.

Are there any pressing reasons for having it
done within 2.1 release? Would it be a bit too much of a change?

Nothing terribly pressing. I certainly do not think this is as urgent
as some of our other problems. The only case I can see for 2.1 would be
for the HttpConnectionFactory and in particular the pluggable isStale()
functionality. This came up a few months ago in regard to JSSE in pre
1.4 JVMs. The problem being that they are always stale using our
current method of buffered reading from an open connection.

In general we may want to rework the whole HttpConnection design for
3.0 which may point to waiting.  Let's leave this a little vague for
now.  We can make a final decision when we vote on what to include in


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