There are a few options here:

a. Check out the slide sources and build against HttpClient beta 2 instead of HEAD (all the compile errors that I can see are due to the changes on the HEAD branch and won't be in the 2.0 release).

b. Update Slide to compile with HttpClient CVS HEAD - Note that slide will then no longer compile with older HttpClient versions. I can do up a patch if the slide developers want to do it this way.

c. Release HttpClient 2.0 (planned very soon) and Slide x.x (???) then take option b.

d. Something else?

I'll open a bug report on this in a moment, Daniel I'd suggest you add yourself to the CC list.


Adrian Sutton.

On Thursday, July 24, 2003, at 10:12 PM, Daniel Joshua wrote:

Can somebody make a release soon in that case... I really need a
WebDAVClient which can be use with either a Commons-HttpClient beta 1 or 2?

Regards, Daniel

-----Original Message----- From: Christopher Lenz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, 24 July, 2003 7:53 PM To: Slide Users Mailing List Subject: Re: FW: Commons-HttpClient conflict with WebDAVClient

Martin Holz wrote:
"Daniel Joshua" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

We use the latest beta releases of HttpClient with
a CVS build of the WebDAV client. Works fine.

Fisrt, I have checked and the latest release build for download is Slide 1.0.16.

Also, I was looking at the Slide documentation and there is mention of
Where can I download this.

Slide 2.0 is not released and there is no such thing as nightly build. You have to build it from CVS.

There *are* automated nightly builds:

But the builds have been faily for weeks now :-/

(Apparently due to an incompatible change in HttpClient)


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