
I think I have identified the problem or one of the problem that
contributed to the noticeable performance degradation  for short HTTP
messages in post 2.0a3 releases. So, many thanks for bringing up this

Further, see my comments below

On Sun, 2003-07-27 at 03:36, Todd Wolff wrote

> Also, although unrelated to the relative decrease in
> performance, I did notice that in both tests a new connection is created per
> request.  

Usually HttpClient does a pretty good job reusing connections. You can
see the evidence of that from the log that you have produced:

[DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - -Resorting to protocol version default close
connection policy
[DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - -Should NOT close connection, using HTTP/1.1
[DEBUG] MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager - -Freeing connection:

What is fishy here is why the connection manager keeps on creating new
connections instead of reusing those active ones that have been just
returned to the pool. I can't tell. My guess is that you end up creating
an instance of MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager per thread in your
application that completely defeats its purpose. You should be sharing
the same instance of mtcm between all your worker threads in order to
make connection pooling effective. This is just a guess, though. You'll
have to wait until Michael Becke gets on-line. He's the one who wrote
MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager in the first place, so he will be of
MUCH more help here.

Mike, we clearly need more DEBUG logs in the
MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager. At the moment it is difficult to
tell what is going on there.



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