Glad I could contribute.  I've put together a test harness that reproduces
the connection issue.  Unless I'm missing something, I'm pretty sure only a
single instance of MTCM is being accessed by the sending threads.  Should I
send it to you and Mike directly rather than taking up bandwidth on the list
(it's 250k.)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Oleg Kalnichevski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Commons HttpClient Project" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2003 7:10 AM
Subject: Re: Performance Issue

> Todd,
> I think I have identified the problem or one of the problem that
> contributed to the noticeable performance degradation  for short HTTP
> messages in post 2.0a3 releases. So, many thanks for bringing up this
> issue
> Further, see my comments below
> On Sun, 2003-07-27 at 03:36, Todd Wolff wrote
> > Also, although unrelated to the relative decrease in
> > performance, I did notice that in both tests a new connection is created
> > request.
> Usually HttpClient does a pretty good job reusing connections. You can
> see the evidence of that from the log that you have produced:
> ...
> [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - -Resorting to protocol version default close
> connection policy
> [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - -Should NOT close connection, using HTTP/1.1
> [DEBUG] MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager - -Freeing connection:
> ...
> What is fishy here is why the connection manager keeps on creating new
> connections instead of reusing those active ones that have been just
> returned to the pool. I can't tell. My guess is that you end up creating
> an instance of MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager per thread in your
> application that completely defeats its purpose. You should be sharing
> the same instance of mtcm between all your worker threads in order to
> make connection pooling effective. This is just a guess, though. You'll
> have to wait until Michael Becke gets on-line. He's the one who wrote
> MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager in the first place, so he will be of
> MUCH more help here.
> Mike, we clearly need more DEBUG logs in the
> MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager. At the moment it is difficult to
> tell what is going on there.
> Cheers
> Oleg
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