
I work for the Jakarta Commons HttpClient [1] project and I just came across your package list. I checked the dev-java/commons-httpclient package [2] on your website. As it seems, you are using an outdated version 2.0alpha3. If you have not subscribed to the Jakarta Announcement mailing list, please subscribe at


This low traffic list will keep you posted about new releases.

Also HttpClient developers would like to point out that HttpClient is not directly (neither source- nor binary-) dependent on Log4J but rather on commons-logging (which CAN use Log4J as a log implementation). You may want to correct the package dependencies.

Finally Adrian Sutton commented that:
"Unfortunately it's [OS wide package systems] not a good way to manage java packages since it's just too mixed up with the rest of the system for my liking and it makes it too hard to track what my project is actually using." DLL hell exists in Java as well.

You are welcome to further discuss integration of Apache Jakarta Software into Gentoo Linux on the Jakarta General mailing list (see link above), as my voice is only one in a million.

Please note: I am sendig this message to the people I think are probably most responsible for this topic as listed on [3].

Kind regards

Ortwin Glück

[1] http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/httpclient/
[2] http://www.gentoo.org/dyn/pkgs/dev-java/commons-httpclient.xml
[3] http://www.gentoo.org/main/en/devlist.xml
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 ortwin glück                      [www]      http://www.nose.ch
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