> I'm running into an issues when attempting Proxy Authentication using NTLM.  The 
> proxy itself is ISA, and from what 
> I can tell using the Log traces, is it's using the web-site I want to access (i.e. 
> www.yahoo.com) As the authentication
> realm. 
> [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - -Authorization required
> [DEBUG] HttpAuthenticator - -Using 'www.yahoo.com' authentication realm
> Wouldn't I want to use the Proxy itself, which has a realm, found in the trace 
> messages?

It does appear to be a bug. I will look into this problem tonight

> Also, I'm hitting an error about the Cipher class, NoClassDefFound to be exact.  The 
> JCE is in the class path...
>Banging my head against the wall...

Just having JCE.jar on the class patch is not enough. Please refer to 'Configuring the 
Provider' of the 'JavaTM Cryptography Extension 1.2.2' for more details



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