Thanks much for this information.
We had a what seemed like a bug using Linux/WPS/IBM-JDK to Windows/IIS using
NTLM Auth... the code ran once or twice then started getting 401 responses.
I believe the socket closed / or connection closed (then the NTLM
negotiation was not performed again.)

Using a single HttpClient instead of new one for each method invokation plus
using getResponseBodyAsString instead of getResonseBodyAsStream resolved it
for us.

IMHO adding Roland's 1..4 below to the site/tutorial would be a good thing.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Roland Weber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 4:13 AM
> To: Commons HttpClient Project
> Subject: RE: getMethod.getResponseBody() leaks handles
> David, Michael,
> I get the feeling you have entered a closed loop in your discussion.
> Please let me add an observer's view, in hope to break the loop.
> I'll adress this mail to David, since it's whom we are trying to help
> with his problem.
> I want to point out that I did not dive into the source code for this
> mail, neither into that of the HTTP client nor that of David's test
> program. I gathered my "evidence" just from the natural language
> parts of the correspondence, and from my user-level knowledge
> of the HTTP client. So, David:
> HttpMethod is not meant to close connections. It is meant to use
> them, and then give them back to the connection manager, which
> will decide whether to close or reuse them. There are some cases
> in which the HttpMethod knows that the connection cannot be
> reused and closes them, but that's not the regular case.
> From one of Michaels remarks I learned that you are creating a
> new instance of the HTTP client and connection manager for
> each request. Which means you are not using the HTTP client
> in the way it is meant to be used. This may or may not indicate
> a deficiency in the documentation. It probably does, see below.
> Actually, the connections do not leak when you execute your
> HTTP method, or finish executing it. They leak when you forget
> about the current connection manager rather than reusing it for
> the next request. The difference in behavior between Linux and
> Windows is due to the fact that the Linux JVM has a fall-back
> cleanup mechanism which closes the connection, while the
> Windows JVM has not. If you restructure your application, no
> fall-back cleanup will come into this and behaviour will be similar
> on both platforms.
> I guess the sample code on how to use the HTTP client for a
> single request does not point out which part of the code is a
> one-time initialization and which part needs to be repeated for
> each request. So let me tell you:
> 1. The HTTP Client instance and it's connection manager
>    should be created once, during initialization of the application.
>    Both are meant to be reused for all subsequent requests.
> 2. Connections will be opened, closed or reused implicitly
>    by the connection manager (see 4).
> 3. The HttpMethod objects can be created for each request,
>    or recycled if you want to.
> 4. HttpMethod.releaseConnection() must be invoked after
>    each request. It will make sure that the connection used
>    for that request is given back to the connection manager.
> I hope this helps,
>   Roland

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