Hi Oleg,

Yes, it was pretty quiet this last week. My reason, and probably that of others in the US, is that Thursday was Thanksgiving. Most businesses are closed the Thursday and Friday of Thanksgiving, and many people travel. I was fortunate enough to avoid the traveling masses but was entertaining visiting family.

Things should be back to normal for me this week. Hopefully we can get this auth/proxy thing taken care of in the next few days. I look forward to the incoming flood of patches:)


Oleg Kalnichevski wrote:
What's up, folks? I have never seen HttpClient mailing list so quiet for
so long.

The last week was REALLY rough. I had some really miserable time at
work. But with my project (the one that helps pay my bills) finally back
on track, I can finally turn my attention to HttpClient development. As
of tomorrow patches should start trickling in again.


On Mon, 2003-11-24 at 20:34, Kalnichevski, Oleg wrote:

I agree. I'll try to come up with another try within a few days (most likely tomorrow)


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