> Rather than removing classes right away, I'd like to see them deprecated 
> for at least one major release.  That leaves clients with the "crumbs" 
> that they can follow to migrate their code, rather than discovering that 
> their code is completely broken and must be rewritten.  So I would say 
> that we cannot *dump* the HttpMethod interface just yet.

There's one thing I REALLY dislike about this idea is that deprecation of HttpMethod 
interface will cause hundreds of deprecation warnings, which I personally find 
irritating. Please for the sake of my sanity, as I deal with HttpClient on a daily 
basis, if this is to be done, than it should be done as late in the process as 

> As a separate design issue, I don't think HttpMethodBase *should* be 
> considered the "base" from which all methods must inherit.  It simply 
> does way too much, so I think there needs to be an intermediate class, 
> which I would call AbstractHttpMethod.

I am afraid I am not quite getting the point here. An intermediate class between what? 
Should AbstractHttpMethod implement HttpMethod and HttpMethodBase extend 
AbstractHttpMethod? Is that what you are saying? Which parts of the present 
HttpMethodBase code should be moved into AbstractHttpMethod and what should remain in 

Frankly I do not think I see a lot of benefits in doing so. The concept of a method as 
an entity that combines HTTP request and HTTP response is fundamentally flawed. It 
should rather be completely done away with or left alone, IMO.


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