Hey Guys, I didn't realize you were already doing this,


I should pay more attention to the bugzilla. I posted a message eariler today approaching the issues of HttpConstants encoding methods and there usefullness outside of HttpClient on the Commons developer list.

Do you guys think that the Ascii stuff in EncodingUtil could eventually move out into something like lang or codec?


Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Commons developer Message from eariler today:

In Httpclient there is a Static class primarily for the use of converting byte[]'s to ASCII strings and for returning a default encoding when the reqeuested encoding is not supported.

Here is an example of the file:


Are there other areas of the Commons where this sort of functionality is required? Perhapse this is would be a useful addition to [lang] String or CharSet Utilities?


Is there a more elegant way that the lang CharSetUtils could be applied to this case?

I say this primarily because I've had to use it in codec-multipart to support the the String conversion there.


A more generic (and reusable) solution might be ssomething wise to apply here.


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